Free themed post Free themed post. Chile dries fastly, there are many things that we can't to modify. There are three countries that emit 50% of polluting emissions in the world. On here, just four companies emit 25% of polluting emissions of the country and there are not good regulations. And it rains less than time before. The soil is like a sponge with water which later lets water flows during warm season, and we're destroying that sponge when we kill plants, since herbs until trees, when we build big cities and compacting the soil, even when we walk in the mountain with tons of more humans. And same as we dry the clothes at sun, we are drying the soil when we remove all its protector's shadows. What could we do? wet the sponge! air the soil of your patio, then when it rains, the water will be absorbed and it won't drain. If you're going to forest, avoid walking through places with no trails, so you don't compact the sponge and you don't encroach the home...
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2021
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Fourth post A food I really like is cazuela. It's a soup with potatoes, squash, rice, dressings and any kind of meat, in my case, I prefer of chicken. I like a lot because of is a typical food of my zone, so I grew up with it, it's very enjoyable during the winter and cold days and it's so yummy. The cazuela made by my grandma is really nice, because she cultivates some ingredients and also her own chickens, and those are perceivable in the flavor. I don't know if it affects my health, but I guess no, because I eat it a little bit times per year. Sometimes I have eatten cazuela at restautants and different food's places, but never it has been so good as ones from my zone.
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Blog post 3 Try to talk about your hobbies, THe idea is to get to know you Word count 180 words Comment 3 classmates and mine Sign with you fav social media account My favorite hobbies are travels to other different worlds, and the best for me are the moon, Venus and Pluto. I like the moon because you can watch every thing is happening on earth, when great blackouts ocurrs, when there are great wild fires, even the hurricanes, one after another, and that's so shocking. If you get binoculars, also you can see some big buildings, lakes, even sometimes you can see how some forest from some places are disappearing or how icebergs breaks off. I like Venus because is like our earth, but in the other way, it's very hot, it haves so big acid's clouds and lots of active volcanos, those are really like our earth, but dangerous version. Anyway, it's curious that our earth is becoming more similar to Venus, I hope never they are equals. I like Pluto because of its tranqui...
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The second post. The best holiday ever for me is the February 30th. It is a great day for traveling any place you want, it doesn't matter how much is the cost or how far away is, if you want to go just alone or with any company, you can even choose a pet, birds, dogs, cats, lions, everyone are alowed. During my last February 30th, I went to other world, it was very similar than this, but the people were so creative and imaginative. We dreamed all together about flying through mountains and biking over the sea. It was the best one because you can freely do anything, the only requirement you need is a very open mind and imagination, if you have both ones, the limits will be inexistent. Backing home is very easy, just open your eyes and look at your reality and you will want to go again, is the best way to realize that it is the best holyday and the best place ever. I totally recommend it.